Beyond the EAP: Revolutionizing Workplace Wellness with Therify's Inclusive Approach

The most successful organizations recognize that employees are not just workers, but whole humans with lives beyond the workplace. Addressing their mental well-being ensures that both the organization and its people thrive. Unfortunately, 1 in 5 workers report difficult finding affordable, in-network mental health care.

At Therify, we’ve reimagined employee benefits to ensure that they’re easily accessible and highly utilized. While EAPs typically see only about 5% utilization, Therify consistently achieves 15-20% employee engagement. Why? Because we understand that employees want to use their insurance benefits – they just need a solution that makes it easy to access and tailored to their needs.

In this white paper, we examine how Therify combines personalized, in-network therapy matching, mental health coaching, and culturally competent group support to help some of the world’s most innovative companies – such as Indeed, Publicis Media, and Dataminr – increase productivity, reduce healthcare costs, and enhance employee wellbeing.

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